
Past performance is not necessarily indicative of future results. The risk of loss in trading commodity futures, options, and foreign exchange ("forex") is substantial.

Commodity trading involves a substantial risk of loss and is not appropriate for all investors. You should carefully consider your financial circumstances before investing in any commodity products. You should also be aware that electronic trading has inherent risks due to system response and access times which may vary due to market conditions, individual system performance, market volume, and other factors.

The information contained on this website has been prepared by RockRiver Commodities LLC from sources deemed reliable; however, RockRiver Commodities LLC does not guarantee the adequacy, accuracy, or completeness of any information. Neither RockRiver Commodities LLC nor any of its respective affiliates, officers, directors, agents, and employees make any warranty, express or implied, of any kind whatsoever, and none of these parties shall be liable for any losses, damages, or costs relating to the adequacy, accuracy, or completeness of any information on this report.